Posted by: ginalazenby | January 15, 2011

wisdom for the new year – a different year in 2011 ?

Here I am stocking up the Wholefood Kitchen of the Healthy Home

I’ve made a VERY SLOW start to the year but that’s normal for me as I always view the real new year as starting on Feb 4th when the feng shui year begins.  That’s the actual date when the new energies come in … until then, at least for me, it’s hibernation central!!

I take January as a non-month and use the time to process the last year, tune in to what I need to let go of and make preparations for another annual cycle. And that takes quite a bit of physical and psychic energy to do.  Maybe you are struggling and feel that because a new year has started you should be feeling more bouyant, optimistic and productive. Forget it. Now is a time to simply get by and go with the flow.

Here are some tips to help you (which are really helping me).

Clear out excess stuff: make space for the new.  Whatever you can let go of, books, clothes jewellery, old invoices & paperwork … get rid!  (The Charity shops are crying out for gear to sell)
Take as much quiet time as you can to reflect. I have really been taking things slow; I’ve  not initiated many phone calls and have kept myself under the radar. Plenty of early nights and solitary walks as well as a diet of nourishing food with raw, crispy veggies.

Stay in the moment: do what you are guided to do, follow your hunches and intuition. When I spend quiet time like this I am often drawn to watch movies and whilst enjoying myself I also receive subtle guidance in the stories on the screen.

Ask yourself these eleven powerful questions. They arrived in my inbox from Shiloh McCloud and I think they are brilliant: Go here to read them. Very thought-provoking. See my previous post.

Ask for help: I use divination cards and can while away many hours asking questions and getting extremely practical advice back from the cards, runes and stones. I already intuited that I need to live a bigger life this year and guess what Goddess card appeared as my energy for the year?  Freya – with the message to be bold. BOLD I shall be!

Get more help & support: sharing the goal-setting and visioning journey with others is always useful and stimulating.  This year I have been asked by Transformational Coach Gosia Gorna to speak at her one day in London next Sunday January 23rd.  For the last decade she has run a popular event called The Year I Would Love to Have. If you are in London then this is just one example of spending time with like-minded folk visioning a wonderful future while learning some great manifestation skills from Gosia. It would be lovely to see you there!

Make sure your infrastructure works: replace the light bulbs that have gone, replenish the larder and ensure you are stockpiling essentials, charge up your batteries…. just make sure you have order around you so that when the energy speeds up and the pace of life is faster you are ready to cope. I think it is what as known as mending your fishing nets while you are not fishing!

Finally, each year you’ll read in the newspapers that the third Monday of the year (January 17th this year) is Blue Monday, ‘officially’ the most depressing day of the year……hmmmmm, do you agree? It comes from a formula about weather, post Christmas blue and debt!   I think that while lack of money can indeed be depressing, what really gets to people is not living their purpose, and feeling unfulfilled. Don’t let this happen to you.

Decide that this year, you will be who you were born to be.


  1. Gina
    I loved this article last year and have come back to revisit it again and remind myself of your advice.
    Hope you had a great holiday period and Happy New Year!

    • Thanks Kate … as soon as I come out of my cocoon I shall do another one for this new year!!! Look forward to seeing you soon.

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